Why this Blog?
Because I wanted to present evidence and arguments for animal afterlife. If you’d like to get started, look at the menu bar above under “evidence” and “arguments.”
If you’d like to know the backstory, keep reading.
Why did I start this blog?
The short answer is, to help spread the word about evidence for animal afterlife. A lot of people would like to believe, but they aren’t really sure. There is actually plenty of evidence of animal afterlife, but it tends to be scattered piecemeal in obscure places, so most people don’t know about it.
I figured that if I could bring that evidence together into a single location, that would help people find and digest it easily, rather than having to search far and wide for it.

For better or worse, I have an analytical, investigative mind, and I value evidence and reason. If you read books about animal afterlife, you’ll notice that most of them contain plenty of nice-sounding, reassuring stories of animals frolicking in heaven — which is fine, of course — but they don’t present a lot of actual evidence or reasoned arguments for believing it. Me, I want reasons to believe — evidence and arguments — not just nice stories, memes, or Bible quotes (no offense to those who find those things helpful; everyone is different). I know that some other people out there feel the same. So I thought I could fill the void a little.
I thought it might help animal lovers, too. For many of us, our connection to animals is as strong as it is to people, sometimes stronger, and we feel their loss as deeply, sometimes moreso, than the loss of people. I hope to bolster some of these people’s faith that their animals live on.
There are good reasons to believe in animal afterlife. Some people just don’t know about them, or they haven’t heard them presented. I’ll try to do that. I’ll include references for anyone who wants to dig further.
I’m not interested in making money off this. I’m not selling anything or promoting anything. This costs me to do; I’m not making any sort of profit. I just want to do my little bit to get the word out: animals live on in the afterlife.
I also have a negative motivation, so to speak. I have heard plenty of religious authority figures say that animals don’t have souls or an afterlife. I have nothing against religion, have plenty of Christian literature on my shelves, and I see a lot of wisdom and truth in religion. However, when religious authority figures tell pet owners that animals don’t have souls or an afterlife, they are not only wounding those people, they are spreading falsehoods. I want to push back against some of those old, outmoded ideas.
I’ve had two dogs who I loved very much pass away — one about 15 years ago, another about a year ago. So I’ve dealt with this issue on a personal level.
I’ve also had a long interest in afterlife literature. I’ve read it for about 25 years, so I’m in a decent position to speak about it.
Some people won’t be open to this evidence, for a variety of reasons. They prejudge the area as nonsense without bothering to actually read the literature or investigate for themselves. This blog is not for them.
The blog is for anyone who’s interested in animals and the afterlife. I hope that you can find something of value here, whether you’re religious or not, spiritual or not, a believer in animal afterlife or an open-minded skeptic, an enthusiastic proponent or a cautious critical thinker. All you really need is to care about the subject and have an open mind.
My job is to present some evidence and reasons (arguments) for animal afterlife. You will decide for yourself whether you believe.

I’m open to any comments or feedback you might have. Thanks for reading.